Serving Pets of the Homeless in Sacramento


Veterinary student presenting a holiday gift basket to a Mercer Client with patients enjoying their new sweaters.

For more than 20 years, the Mercer Veterinary Clinic has provided essential free veterinary care to the pets of Sacramento’s homeless citizens. DVM students from UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine operate the monthly clinic with the help of veterinarians and faculty from the school, community veterinarians who serve on the Mercer Clinic Board of Directors, and an invaluable number of undergraduate students from UC Davis.

Services include a wide range of medical care including spay and neuter surgeries, provision of prescription medications, physical exams and diagnoses that result in treatments, surgical repair, and preventive medical treatments. This year, the dedication of the clinic’s volunteers was recognized by three awards—including a Presidential Award for Community Service—complete with a plaque, pin and certificate signed by President Obama.


Rachel Ferris

Third-year veterinary students Rachel Ferris and Byron Lee recently shared a photo essay that captures some of the experiences at the clinic. Rachel started volunteering while an undergraduate at UC Davis in 2009. The following year, she took over as the undergrad coordinator and stayed involved after coming to veterinary school. She served as the head coordinator her second year of vet school.


Byron Lee


Byron got involved in volunteer work through a club in high school and wanted to continue some kind of outreach. He served as the historian during his second year of vet school. “I really like helping people. The challenge with Mercer Clinic is figuring out what we can do with the least amount of money. We learn to make do with what we have.”

Photos Courtesy of Byron Lee

Michael Kato (Class of 2017) performing a physical exam on a Mercer patient.

Michael Kato (Class of 2017) performing a physical exam on a Mercer patient.

Mercer CEO Dr. Laurel Gershwin helping veterinary students perform exams and diagnose patients.

Mercer CEO Dr. Laurel Gershwin helping veterinary students perform exams and diagnose patients.

A busy day at the monthly clinic.

A busy day at the monthly clinic.

Veterinary student Corinna Esdorn (Class of 2017) handing out a holiday gift basked to a Mercer client.

Veterinary student Corinna Esdorn (Class of 2017) handing out a holiday gift basked to a Mercer client.

Head Coordinator Rachel Ferris (Class of 2017) doing a physical exam on a Mercer patient.

Head Coordinator Rachel Ferris (Class of 2017) doing a physical exam on a Mercer patient.

Veterinary student volunteer Sarah Gutierrez (Class of 2017) with one of her patients for the day.

Veterinary student volunteer Sarah Gutierrez (Class of 2017) with one of her patients for the day.

Undergraduate Coordinators (Left to right: Jose Ruiz, Brenda Bui, Nicole Doan) help out at the preventative medicine station handing out flea/heartworm prevention and vaccines.

Undergraduate Coordinators (Left to right: Jose Ruiz, Brenda Bui, Nicole Doan) help out at the preventative medicine station handing out flea/heartworm prevention and vaccines.

A Mercer client and his dog waiting to finish their visit at the clinic.

A Mercer client and his dog waiting to finish their visit at the clinic.